How to eat right and stay healthy

by Sweetu

I was always on the chubbier side and people disliked my because of my body weight. I was very fond of chocolates and fried foods. I used to gorge on these delicacies whenever I could get a chance. Slowly due to the obesity, I had problems in my knee and suffered a slip disc.

After few months when I was advised to start a few exercises I could not do it properly and that aggravated my condition.

I weighted 150 pounds and could hardly do anything.

Then one day a friend of mine who was following the Mediterranean diet regimen asked me to try it out. It is one of the healthiest and well balanced diets. It has a healthy combination of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish servings for at least twice a week and moderate amount of red meat with eight or more glasses of water. Salt intake was also limited and I was asked to do simple physical exercises like brisk walking for 30 minutes everyday. Slowly I am starting to feel better.

I have meals at short intervals regularly, so the constant hunger for food has diminished. I have stopped feeling tired all the time and started to regain my weight.

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Weighty Issues!

by Gayathri Selvam
(Chennai, TN, India)

During my college days, I was a very good tennis player and even represented my college and University. I was in such fine shape and used to feel so proud about it. After graduating, I joined a legal firm as an assistant and I hardly found the time to play tennis. But I managed to find time to go for my morning jogs.

After three years, I got married and quit my job. My jogging was lessened to twice a week. As time went by, I started neglecting my exercise and slowly became too lazy to even attempt exercising. Slowly, I started gaining weight and despite my husband's warnings, I could not motivate myself to try and reduce the weight that I had put on. During this period, I developed another disastrous habit. Eating a lot of chocolates.

Within a space of five years, I had gained an unbelievable 40 pounds. I was so ashamed of myself and with the support and persuasion of my husband, I have made up my mind to reduce my weight. It was then that I came across the Mediterranean Diet and I was very impressed with it.

I have been sincerely following the diet program for the last five months and I am very satisfied as I have lost nearly 25 pounds. I have also started doing yoga, which is helping me keep control of my emotions. I do not have the craving for food and snacks, like I used to six months back. God forbid, I hope to be back in shape within the next five months, as my husband and I have fixed a time limit of ten months to achieve the target!

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